Our IGNITIA online curriculum is recognized as a Certified Autism Resource by the International Board of Credentialing and Continuing Education Standards (IBCCES). Established to set industry standards and reach those who are affected by cognitive disorders, the IBCCES works in conjunction with The Autism Society to make sure that individuals with autism get the education they deserve.
Our daughter has always been very responsible with her studies and homework so it’s not difficult for her to get things done, study and progress. The last few months have been very good for her to release some of the stress she had before at school and to be able to do it focusing on actually learning and enjoying what she does. She has had extra time to focus on activities she has always wanted to do like arts, baking, helping around the house or just playing games with her sisters or family. One comment she made: “I feel like I have learnt so much in the past few weeks than years before”.
(My child) loves the books. And her reading has improved tremendously. So I’m very pleased with the education you guys provide.
“I’ve learned many things that, if I had not done this kind of education, I would not have known. This way of learning has given me a lot of opportunities to do things that I like and to make easier and more funny the ones that I don’t like so much.
It has also been a good exercise of discipline, dedication and willpower to study on my own.
I’ve really enjoyed all of the activities that I’ve done and all my teachers were (and are) very nice.” – Yulia

“Thanks for everything you’ve done and your support for my sister and I and our family. We love the Oaks and will always recommend you guys to people looking to homeschool.” – Kavon
“I had the privilege of homeschooling my daughter as a Senior this year. Thanks to this school, we achieved many academic and spiritual goals. I’m so thankful to have found this school.” – Elizabeth

“I was updating account information with Tatum’s school today, The Oaks Private School, and it brought me to tears just how invested they always are in Tatum, and in working with us to position her into the specific learning opportunities that serve her God given abilities and her unique gifting. I am so thankful that we listened when led, so thankful for God’s provision.” – Drenda

It is with great pleasure that I announce the conclusion of xxxx and xxxx’s sixth and fifth year. It has been many months of a hard labor and dedication, restless work, studying Saturdays and Sundays, but it was definitely worth it.
For me, as their mother and teacher, it was wonderful to see them learn so obediently and follow their growth so closely.
TOPS has far exceeded our expectations, in every way we feel welcomed and are confident that we are providing our children with the best education. Thus why I come to ask for the renewal of my children’s enrollment.
I would like to take the opportunity to thank you for all the support and attention we have received.
I look forward to the instructions for the re-enrollment.
Thank you!
Sincerely yours,

My name is **** and I am the mother of an Oaks School student who graduated in 2016, ….
My daughter is currently studying at the *** University in Valencia, Spain, double degree in Criminology and Clinical Psychology. Next year [s]he graduates in Criminology and continues two more years until finishing Psychology. [S]He is also studying 3rd Piano interpretation at the Superior Conservatory of Castellón. She takes advantage and travels in summer to Germany and France for master piano lessons, can meet other classmates from other parts of the world and have new friends.
Can you imagine how satisfied and happy we are, for its high level of competence and brilliant notes that allow it to have an important scholarship !! [Her] concentration and dedication in studies, h[er] responsibility and interest opens new horizons to really enjoy everything [s]he does. My husband and I know how important h[er] stage at Oaks School was, and how this school really enhanced h[er] chances. We are very grateful to Oaks School for the great opportunity it offers in training. Thank you so much!!!!!!
In addition to *****, we have two 14-year-old children, ***** and *****, they have been studying at home so far. They follow the musical steps of their sister and study Middle grade piano and cello ***, and **** piano and violin. They have never attended official schools in Spain and have always learned at home.
This year we want… to start 9th grade at Oaks Schools, …
It is our wish and I hope we can enroll them !!!!
Thank you very much and best regards!